
Your Gift for Preservation Really Counts!

With more than 1630 “Save Our Battlefields” license plate on the road, your gift is more important than ever. In fact, the revenue raised through license plate sales accounts for 30% of TCWPA’s annual operating budget. Even more important is your preservation gifts and membership renewals provide 25% of TCWPA’s annual operating budget. This means your gifts, donations, license plate sales, membership renewals allow TCWPA to continue to hold educational, preservation and Three Star tours, annual meetings, award over $104,000 in preservation/interpretation battlefield grants and help TCWPA sustain its work to preserve and interpret Civil War battlefields.

We hope you will keep TCWPA in your plans for giving as we approach 2024. Please know that your gift is more than just financial. Your gift will also remind our Board, our staff, and our volunteers that folks like you are special friends whom we are humbled to join in caring for Tennessee’s very special places. You are a critical part of this process, and we could not accomplish our many goals without YOU and the support you provide. With your generous gifts – we will continue to connect people and places through preservation so our children, grandchildren and great -grandchildren can enjoy Tennessee’s Civil War battlefields. We appreciate and thank you for your generous support of the Tennessee Civil War Preservation Association.

With best wishes for a wonderful and safe holiday season.

C. Anthony Hodges, D.D. S.


Civil war License Plate

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